6 Important Tips for ABA Parent Training
Children who are suffering from autism find it hard to cope with daily life activities. In such instances, the role of parents is paramount. It is the duty of the parents to give their child the best Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) training. Several research studies have highlighted the fact that ABA therapy is one of the best ways to treat children suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Yes, the parents have to take their child to an ABA therapist, but it doesn’t end here. Parents also need to build a good rapport with the children when it comes to treating ASD. In other words, parents should also be involved in the therapy. According to ABA parent training experts, there are certain tips that every parent must follow if they really want to cure their child. So, what are those tips? Let’s have a look:
- Understand your role and set concrete expectations: The ABA trainer should engage in smooth communication with parents and state the duration of each parent coaching session. Being the trainer, you should clearly highlight whether the parents are responsible for regular documentation. You can also assign tasks for the parents to complete. By setting these clear expectations, you can reduce the communication gap with the parents.
- Come up with an ABA parent training curriculum: The best thing you can do is prepare a parent coaching curriculum so that the parents can understand their role in the therapy. Sometimes, the parents of autistic children have a busy schedule and don’t have the required time to meet all the ends. In these instances, an ABA parent training curriculum creates a predictable schedule so that these activities find a place in their daily routine.
- Give honest feedback to the parents: You need to give honest feedback to the parents regarding their progress. For example, you can convey the dos and don’ts to them. It’s always recommended to use action statements during the conversation.
- Ask open-ended questions: Always ask open-ended questions to the parents so that you can know their perspective. You won’t get any hint if they answer your questions with ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ Agencies providing autism therapy services in Los Angeles have experts who always ask open-ended questions to the parents.
- Encourage the parents to celebrate small victories: The ABA therapy definitely helps a child suffering from ASD but often the progress is slow. Most parents won’t recognize this fact as they want a big win within a short period. It’s not possible even if your child is showing significant improvements in his/her daily activities. During the ABA parent training sessions, your goal will be to make the parents realize that progress is always slow in this realm. Hence, patience is the key to success. You should also encourage the parents to celebrate small victories when their child has achieved something which he/she previously isn’t used to.
- Build a solid relationship: It’s always recommended to build a solid relationship with the parents you work with. After a few sessions, you will get an idea of the motivating factors for the parents. If you are successful in discovering their reinforcers, you can surely become the one over time. It is what the experts at autism therapy services in Los Angeles always try to achieve.
ABA parent training isn’t an easy job as you have to consider several forces at a time. Be it the temperament of the parents or their patience level, your training should exceed all these aspects. Every parent wants their child to perform better in every realm and for that to happen, parents have to play an active role. In this case, parents have to utilize the knowledge gained from ABA training sessions to cure their child of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
The experts at Hidden Treasures have years of professional experience in delivering excellent ABA parent training sessions. At https://htaba.com, the dedicated experts help the parents to grasp the ABA strategies as conveyed in these classes. During these sessions, parents get the necessary resources they require to impact the development of their autistic child.
The experts at Hidden Treasures have years of professional experience in delivering excellent ABA parent training sessions. At https://htaba.com, the dedicated experts help the parents to grasp the ABA strategies as conveyed in these classes. During these sessions, parents get the necessary resources they require to impact the development of their autistic child.

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